ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter4 Configuring System ManagementFunctions
Configuring the Network Time Protocol
To authenticate the identity of a system to which NTP will synchronize, use the following global
configuration command:
To periodically update the ATM switch router calendar from NTP, use the following global configuration
The following example configures the ATM switch router to synchronize its clock and calendar to an
NTP server, using ethernet0, and other features:
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# ntp server
Switch(config)# ntp source ethernet0
Switch(config)# ntp authenticate
Switch(config)# ntp max-associations 2000
Switch(config)# ntp trusted-key 22507
Switch(config)# ntp update-calendar
Displaying the NTP Configuration
To show the status of NTP associations, use the following privileged EXEC commands:
The following example displays detail NTP configuration:
Switch# show ntp associations detail configured, our_master, sane, valid, stratum 3
ref ID, time B6C04E67.6E779000 (18:18:15.431 UTC Thu Feb 27 1997)
our mode client, peer mode server, our poll intvl 128, peer poll intvl 128
root delay 109.51 msec, root disp 377.38, reach 377, sync dist 435.638
delay -3.88 msec, offset 7.7674 msec, dispersion 1.57
precision 2**17, version 3
org time B6C04F19.437D8000 (18:21:13.263 UTC Thu Feb 27 1997)
rcv time B6C04F19.41018C62 (18:21:13.253 UTC Thu Feb 27 1997)
xmt time B6C04F19.41E3EB4B (18:21:13.257 UTC Thu Feb 27 1997)
filtdelay = -3.88 -3.39 -3.49 -3.39 -3.36 -3.46 -3.37 -3.16
filtoffset = 7.77 6.62 6.60 5.38 4.13 4.43 6.28 12.37
filterror = 0.02 0.99 1.48 2.46 3.43 4.41 5.39 6.36
Command Purpose
ntp trusted-key key-number Configures an NTP synchronize number.
Command Purpose
ntp update-calendar Updates an NTP calendar.
Command Purpose
show ntp associations [detail] Displays NTP associations.
show ntp status Displays the NTP status.