ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter4 Configuring System Management Functions
System Management Tasks
Configuring Cisco Discovery Protocol
To specify how often your ATM switch router sends Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) updates, perform
the following tasks in global configuration mode:
To reset CDP traffic counters to zero (0) on your ATM switch router, perform the following tasks in
privileged EXEC mode:
To show the CDP configuration, use the following privileged EXEC commands:
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# cdp holdtime seconds Specifies the hold time in seconds, to be sent in
Step2 Switch(config)# cdp timer seconds Specifies how often your ATM switch router will
send CDP updates.
Step3 Switch(config)# cdp run Enables CDP.
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch# clear cdp counters Clears CDP counters.
Step2 Switch# clear cdp table Clears CDP tables.
Command Purpose
show cdp Displays global CDP information.
show cdp entry-name [protocol | version] Displays information about a neigh bor device
listed in the CDP table.
show cdp interface [interface-type
Displays interfaces on with CDP enabled.
show cdp neighbors [interface-type
interface-number] [detail]
Displays CDP neighbor information.
show cdp traffic Displays CDP traffic information.