ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter9 Configuring Resource Management
Configuring Physical Interfaces
Switch> show atm interface resource atm 0/0/0
Resource Management configuration:
Service Classes:
Service Category map: c1 cbr, c2 vbr-rt, c3 vbr-nrt, c4 abr, c5 ubr
Scheduling: RS c1 WRR c2, WRR c3, WRR c4, WRR c5
WRR Weight: 8 c2, 1 c3, 1 c4, 1 c5
Pacing: disabled 0 Kbps rate configured, 0 Kbps rate installed
Link Distance: 0 kilometers
Controlled Link sharing:
Max aggregate guaranteed services: none RX, none TX
Max bandwidth: none cbr RX, none cbr TX, none vbr RX, none vbr TX
Min bandwidth: none cbr RX, none cbr TX, none vbr RX, none vbr TX
Best effort connection limit: disabled 0 max connections
Max traffic parameters by service (rate in Kbps, tolerance in cell-times):
Peak-cell-rate RX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Peak-cell-rate TX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Sustained-cell-rate: none vbr RX, none vbr TX,
Tolerance RX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Tolerance TX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
<information deleted>
Configuring the Scheduler and Service Class
A service class denotes one of the scheduling classes referred to as output virtual circuit (OVC) QoS
classes. Up to eight service classes can be allocated to each physical interface (PIF) port. In scheduling
the next cell to be transmitted from a port, the rate scheduler (RS) has first call on supplying an eligible
cell. If RS does not have one, then weighted round-robin (WRR) scheduler choo ses a service class with
an OVC ready to transmit, and finally a VC within the service class is selected.
Note Scheduler and service class configuration is only possible on Catalyst 8510 MSR and LightStream 1010
ATM switch routers with FC-PFQ installed on your route processor.
ATM service categories are mapped statically to service classes, as shown in Table 9- 9, where service
class 2 has the highest scheduling priority.
Each service class is assigned a weight. These weights are configurable, in the range of 1to 15. The
default weighting is {15,2,2,2} for classes {2,3,4,5}, respec tively. The weighting is not modified
Within service classes, individual PVCs are also weighted, again in the range of 1to 15. A standard
weight (2) is assigned to all PVCs in a service class. Optionally, PVCs can be configured with a specific
weight per half-leg (applying to the transmit OVC weight). SVCs take the value2.
Table9-9 ATM Service Category to Service Class
Service Category Service Class