ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter9 Configuring Resource Management
Configuring Physical Interfaces

Displaying the Output Pacing Configuration

To display the output pacing configuration, use the following EXEC command:
The following example shows the interface output pacing configuration:
Switch> show atm interface resource atm 0/0/0
Resource Management configuration:
Service Classes:
Service Category map: c1 cbr, c2 vbr-rt, c3 vbr-nrt, c4 abr, c5 ubr
Scheduling: RS c1 WRR c2, WRR c3, WRR c4, WRR c5
WRR Weight: 8 c2, 1 c3, 1 c4, 1 c5
Pacing: disabled 0 Kbps rate configured, 0 Kbps rate installed
Link Distance: 0 kilometers
Controlled Link sharing:
Max aggregate guaranteed services: none RX, none TX
Max bandwidth: none cbr RX, none cbr TX, none vbr RX, none vbr TX
Min bandwidth: none cbr RX, none cbr TX, none vbr RX, none vbr TX
Best effort connection limit: disabled 0 max connections
Max traffic parameters by service (rate in Kbps, tolerance in cell-times):
Peak-cell-rate RX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Peak-cell-rate TX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Sustained-cell-rate: none vbr RX, none vbr TX,
Tolerance RX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
Tolerance TX: none cbr, none vbr, none abr, none ubr
<information deleted>
Configuring Controlled Link Sharing
Resource management allows fine-tuning of the connection admission control functions on a
per-interface and direction (receive and transmit) basis. The reservations are specified with the following
three parameters:
Maximum aggregate guaranteed cell rate on an interface, which limits the guaranteed bandwidth
that can be allocated on an interface
Maximum guaranteed cell rates on an interface per-service category
Minimum guaranteed cell rates on an interface per-service category
Table 9 -8 shows the minimum and maximum parameter relationships.
Command Purpose
show atm interface resource atm
Displays the output pacing configuration.
Table9-8 Connection Admission Control Parameter to Bandwidth Relationships
Service Category Value Service Category Bandwidth
Minimum CBR + Minimum VBR <= 95 percent
Minimum CBR <= Maximum CBR <= 95 percent
Minimum VBR <= Maximum VBR <= 95 percent
Minimum CBR <= Maximum Aggregate <= 95 percent