ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter2 Understanding the User Interface
Installing and Configuring Embedded CiscoView
Note The flash devices for installing and configuring Embedded Ciscoview are supported on slot 0, slot 1,
disk 0, and disk 1.
Note The default password for accessing the device web page is the enable password of the device.
Note Use the NME IP address to access theCatalyst 8540, Catalyst 8510 and LightStream 1010 from a web
The following example shows how to update the CiscoView files on your Catalyst 8540, Catalyst 8510
and LightStream 1010:
Switch# dir slot0:
Directory of slot0:/
1 -rw- 2276396 Apr 30 2001 17:48:07 Cat8500-i-mz.121
2 -rw- 1251840 May 23 2001 14:03:35 ciscoview.tar
3 -rw- 8861 May 23 2001 14:26:05 cv/Cat8500-4.0.html
4 -rw- 1183238 May 23 2001 14:26:06 cv/Cat8500-4.0.sgz
5 -rw- 3704 May 23 2001 14:27:55 cv/Cat8500-4.0_ace.html
6 -rw- 401 May 23 2001 14:27:55 cv/Cat8500-4.0_error.html
7 -rw- 17003 May 23 2001 14:27:55 cv/Cat8500-4.0_jks.jar
8 -rw- 17497 May 23 2001 14:27:57 cv/Cat8500-4.0_nos.jar
9 -rw- 8861 May 23 2001 14:27:59 cv/applet.html
10 -rw- 529 May 23 2001 14:28:00 cv/cisco.x509
11 -rw- 2523 May 23 2001 14:28:00 cv/identitydb.obj
16384000 bytes total (1287752 bytes free)
Switch# delete slot0:cv/*
Delete filename [cv/*]?
Delete slot0:cv/Cat8500-1.0.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/Cat8500-1.0.sgz? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/Cat8500-1.0_ace.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/Cat8500-1.0_error.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/Cat8500-1.0_jks.jar? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/Cat8500-1.0_nos.jar? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/applet.html? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/cisco.x509? [confirm]
Delete slot0:cv/identitydb.obj? [confirm]
Switch# squeeze slot0:
All deleted files will be removed. Continue? [confirm]
Squeeze operation may take a while. Continue? [confirm]
Squeeze of slot0 complete
Switch# archive tar /xtract tftp:// slot0:cv
Step7 Switch(config)# ip http server Enables the HTTP web server.
Step8 Switch(config)# snmp-server server
community string RO|RW
Enables the SNMP server and passwords for read-only
operation or read/write operation.
Command Purpose