ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter6 Configuring ATM Network Interfaces
Configuring IISP Interfaces
Configuring IISP Interfaces
The Interim Interswitch Signalling Protocol (IISP) defines a static routing protoco l for use between ATM
switches. IISP provides support for switched virtual connections (SVCs) on switches that do not support
the Private Network-Network Interface (PNNI) protocol. For further information, see Chapter11,
“Configuring ATM Routing and PNNI.”
To configure an IISP interface, perform the following tasks, beginning in global configuration mode:
The following example shows how to configure ATM interface3/0/0 on the ATM switch router (SB-1)
as user side IISP and specifies an ATM route address prefix:
Switch(SB-1)(config)# interface atm 3/0/0
Switch(SB-1)(config-if)# no atm auto-configuration
%ATM-6-ILMINOAUTOCFG: ILMI(ATM3/0/0): Auto-configuration is disabled, current interface
parameters will be used at next interface restart.
Switch(SB-1)(config-if)# atm iisp side user
%ATM-5-ATMSOFTSTART: Restarting ATM signalling and ILMI on ATM3/0/0.
Switch(SB-1)(config-if)# exit
Switch(SB-1)(config)# atm route 47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.ce01 atm 3/0/0
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# interface atm
Selects the interface to be configured.
Step2 Switch(config-if)# no atm auto-configuration Disables autoconfiguration on the interface.
Step3 Switch(config-if)# atm iisp [side {network |
user}] [version {3.0 | 3.1 | 4.0}]
Configures the ATM IISP interface.
Step4 Switch(config-if)# exit
Exits interface configuration mode.
Step5 Switch(config)# atm route addr-prefix
atm card/subcard/port[.subinterface#]
Configures the ATM route address prefix.