ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter17 Configuring Signalling Features
Configuring Signalling Diagnostics Tables
1 and 50, used to uniquely identify each set of filtering criteria you select. Each filtering criteria occupies
one entry in the signalling diagnostics table. Each entry in the filter table is entered using command-line
interface (CLI) commands or Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Th en the diagnostics
software module, when enabled, filters rejected calls based on the entries in your filter table. A
successful match in the filter table causes the rejected call information to be stored for analysis.
Note Signalling diagnostics is a tool for troubleshooting failed calls an d should not be enabled during normal
operation of the ATM switch router.
To configure the signalling diagnostics table entries, perform the following steps, beginning in global
configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# atm signalling diagnostics
Enables ATM signalling diagnostics.
Step2 Switch(config)# atm signalling diagnostics index
Changes to ATM signalling diagnostics
configuration mode.
Step3 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)# age-timer seconds Configures the timeout value for the entry, in
Step4 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)#
called-nsap-address nsap-address
Configures a filtering criteria based on the called
NSAP address of the rejected call.
Step5 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)#
called-address-mask nsap-address-mask1
Configures a filtering criteria based on the called
address mask value used to identify the valid bits
of the calling NSAP address of the rejected call.
Step6 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)#
calling-nsap-address nsap-address
Configures a filtering criteria based on the calling
NSAP address of the rejected call.
Step7 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)# atm signalling
diagnostics enable
Enables ATM signalling diagnostics.
Step8 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)# clear-cause
Configures a filtering criteria based on the
cleared cause code of the rejected call.
Step9 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)#
connection-category {soft-vc | soft-vp | reg-vc |
Configures a filtering criteria based on the VC
connection category of the rejected call.
Step10 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)# incoming-port atm
Configures a filtering criteria based on the
incoming port of the rejected call.
Step11 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)# outgoing-port atm
Configures a filtering criteria based on the
outgoing port of the rejected call.
Step12 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)# max-records
Configures the maximum number of entries to be
stored in the display table for each of the entries
in the filter table.
Step13 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)# purge Purges all the filtered records in the filter table.
Step14 Switch(config-atmsig-diag)# scope {internal |
Configures a filtering criteria based on the scope
of the rejected call which either failed internally
in the switch or externally on other switches.