ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
ICD International Code Designator
ICMP International Control Message Protocol
ICP IMA Control Protocol
ID identifier
IE information element
IISP Interim Interswitch Signaling Protocol
ILMI Integrated Local Management Interface
IMA inverse multiplexing over ATM
InARP Inverse ARP
IPSec IP Security Protocol
IPX Internet Packet Exchange
LANE LAN emulation
LBO line build-out
LCD loss of cell delineation
LDP Label Distribution Protocol
LEC LAN emulation client
LECS LAN emulation configuration server
LER Label Edge Router
LES LAN emulation server
LGN logical group node
LIS logical IP subn et
LMI Local Management Interface
LOS loss of signal
LSR Label Switch Router
MaxCR maximum cell rate
MBS maximum burst size
MCR minimum cell rate
MDL maintenance data link
MMF multimode fiber
MSR multiservice ATM switch router
NCDP Network Clock Distribution Protocol
NE network element
NMS network management system
NNI Network-Network Interface
NSAP network service access point
NTP Network Time Protocol
TableB-1 List of Acronyms (continued)
Acronym Definition