ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter11 Configuring ATM Routing and PNNI
Basic PNNI Configuration
The following example shows the PNNI node information using the show atm pnni local-node
privileged EXEC command:
Switch# show atm pnni local-node 2
PNNI node 2 is enabled and not running
Node name: Switch.2.56
System address 47.009181000000000000000001.000000000001.02
Node ID 56:0:00.000000000000000000000000.000000000001.00
Peer group ID 56:47.0091.1122.3344.0000.0000.0000
Level 56, Priority 0 0, No. of interfaces 0, No. of neighbors 0
Parent Node Index: NONE
Node Allows Transit Calls
Node Representation: simple
Hello interval 15 sec, inactivity factor 5,
Hello hold-down 10 tenths of sec
Ack-delay 10 tenths of sec, retransmit interval 5 sec,
Resource poll interval 5 sec
SVCC integrity times: calling 35 sec, called 50 sec,
Horizontal Link inactivity time 120 sec,
PTSE refresh interval 1800 sec, lifetime factor 200 percent,
Min PTSE interval 10 tenths of sec
Auto summarization: on, Supported PNNI versions: newest 1, oldest 1
Default administrative weight mode: uniform
Max admin weight percentage: -1
Max PTSEs requested per PTSE request packet: 32
Redistributing static routes: No
Configuring the Node Name
PNNI node names default to names based on the host name. However, you can change the default node
name to more accurately reflect the peer group. We recommend you chose a node name of 12 characters
or less so that your screen displays remain nicely formatted and easy to read.
After a node name has been configured, it is distributed to all other nodes by PNNI flooding. This all ows
the node to be identified by its node name in PNNI show commands.
Note See Chapter 3, “Initially Configuring the ATM SwitchRouter,” for information abo ut configuring host
To configure the PNNI node name, perform these steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# atm router pnni
Enters ATM router PNNI mode.
Step2 Switch(config-atm-router)# node node-index
Enters node configuration mode.
Step3 Switch(config-pnni-node)# name name Configures the node name.