ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
auto-summary command
PNNI summary addresses 11-13
using (note) 11-13
available bit rate. See ABR
background-routes-enable command 11-29
bert pattern command 21-4
best-effort connections
configuring limits 9-27
displaying configuration 9-28
BOOTP servers
configuration file 3-4to 3-5
configuration prerequisites 3-2
configuring 3-4
boot system command 5-4
bridge atm-vc command 25-26
bridge-group command 25-25, 25-26
bridge protocol command 25-25
between ATM and Ethernet 25-14
configuring 25-25
displaying configuration 25-27
packet flooding 25-26
broadcast-and-unknown servers. See BUSs
buffer pools, configuring 4-2
buffers command 4-2
bump command
VC bundling 25-31
VC bundling with IP/ATM QoS 25-46
bundle command
VC bundling 25-31
VC bundling with IP/ATM QoS 25-46
configuration examples 14-17 to 14-32
configuring 14-11 to14-13
monitoring 14-16
redundant 14-15
cablelength command 20-3
calendar, configuring 4-14
calendar set command 4-14
call-agent command, sgcp 19-61
called-address-mask command 17-12
called-nsap-address command 17-12
calling-nsap-address command 17-12
carrier modules, documentation xxxiv
configuring soft PVCs
with CAS 19-34
with CAS and on-hook detection 19-37
description 19-34
CAC parameter to bandwidth relationship 9-22
configuring CTT rows 9-12
configuring OSF 9-6
configuring output queue, example 9-18
CTT row default 9-11
FC-PCQ and FC-PFQ feature comparison 9-4
interface output discard threshold 9-20
interface output pacing 9-21
interface queue thresholds per service category 9-20
network clock services 3-18
output queue maximum 9-17, 9-18
service category limit 9-7
configuring 4-3
cdp command 4-3
CDS3 Frame Relay controllers
changing default cable lengths, example 20-3
displaying configuration 20-5
displaying serial information, example 20-5
CDS3 Frame Relay interfaces
configuring 20-2to 20-6
default configuration 20-2
E1 time slot mapping (figure) 20-7