ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter11 Configuring ATM Routing and PNNI
Advanced PNNI Configuration
The following example shows how to enable redistribution o f static routes:
Switch(config)# atm router pnni
Switch(config-atm-router)# node 1
Switch(config-pnni-node)# redistribute atm-static

Displaying the Redistribution Configuration

To display the node redistribution configuration, use the following privileged EXEC command:
The following example shows the node redistribution configuration using the show atm pnni local-node
privileged EXEC command:
Switch# show atm pnni local-node
PNNI node 1 is enabled and running
Node name: Switch
System address 47.00918100000000400B0A3081.00400B0A3081.00
Node ID 56:160:47.00918100000000400B0A3081.00400B0A3081.00
Peer group ID 56:47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0000.0000
Level 56, Priority 0, No. of interfaces 4, No. of neighbors 2
Node Allows Transit Calls
Hello interval 15 sec, inactivity factor 5,
Hello hold-down 10 tenths of sec
Ack-delay 10 tenths of sec, retransmit interval 5 sec,
Resource poll interval 5 sec
PTSE refresh interval 1800 sec, lifetime factor 200 percent,
Min PTSE interval 10 tenths of sec
Auto summarization: on, Supported PNNI versions: newest 1, oldest 1
Default administrative weight mode: uniform
Max admin weight percentage: -1
Next resource poll in 3 seconds
Max PTSEs requested per PTSE request packet: 32
Redistributing static routes: Yes
Configuring Aggregation Token
The aggregation token controls the grouping of multiple physical links into logica l links. Uplinks to the
same higher level node, or upnode, with the same aggregation token value, are represented at a higher
level as horizontal aggregated links. Resource Availability Information Groups (RAIGs) are computed
according to the aggregation algorithm.
Command Purpose
show atm pnni local-node Displays the node redistribution