ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter11 Configuring ATM Routing and PNNI
Advanced PNNI Configuration

Displaying the Resource Management Poll Interval Configuration

To display the resource management poll interval configuration, use the following EXEC command:
The following example shows the resource management poll interval configuration using the show atm
pnni resource-info EXEC command:
Switch# show atm pnni resource-info
PNNI:80.1 Insignificant change parameters
acr pm 50, acr mt 3, cdv pm 25, ctd pm 50, resource poll interval 5 sec
Interface insignificant change bounds:
Interface ATM1/0/0
CBR : MCR 155519, ACR 147743 [73871,366792], CTD 50 [25,75],CDV 34 [26,42],
CLR0 10, CLR01 10,
VBR-RT : MCR 155519, ACR 155519 [77759,366792], CTD 359 [180,538],CDV 342 [257
,427], CLR0 8, CLR01 8,
VBR-NRT: MCR 155519, ACR 155519 [77759,155519], CLR0 8, CLR01, 8
ABR : MCR 155519 ACR 147743 [73871,155519]
UBR : MCR 155519
Interface ATM1/0/3
CBR : MCR 155519, ACR 147743 [73871,366792], CTD 50 [25,75],CDV 34 [26,42],
CLR0 10, CLR01 10,
VBR-RT : MCR 155519, ACR 155519 [77759,366792], CTD 359 [180,538],CDV 342 [257
,427], CLR0 8, CLR01 8,
VBR-NRT: MCR 155519, ACR 155519 [77759,155519], CLR0 8, CLR01, 8
ABR : MCR 155519 ACR 147743 [73871,155519]
UBR : MCR 155519
<information deleted>
Configuring ATM PNNI Statistics Collection
You can collect the following statistics about the routing of ATM connections:
Number of source route requests
Number of micro-seconds spent in dijkstra algorithm
Number of crankback source route requests
Number of next port requests
Number of background route lookups
Number of on-demand route computations
To enable statistics collection, perform these steps, beginning in global co nfiguration mode:
Command Purpose
show atm pnni resource-info Displays the resource management poll
interval configuration.
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# atm router pnni
Enters ATM router PNNI mode.
Step2 Switch(config-atm-router)# statistics call Enables ATM PNNI statistics gathering.