
ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter14 Configuring LANEmulation
LANE Configuration Examples
Token Ring Example (Catalyst 8510 MSR and LightStream 1010)

In this Token Ring example, the Cisco 7505 router contains the LECS, LES, BUS, and an LEC. The ATM

switch router and Catalyst5500 Fast Ethernet switch each contain an LEC for the emulated LAN. This

example uses all LANE default settings. For example, it does not explicitly set ATM addresses for the

different LANE components that are co-located on the router. Members hip in this emulated LAN is not


Router 1
router1# show lane default-atm-addresses
interface ATM3/0:
LANE Client: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407572.**
LANE Server: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407573.**
LANE Bus: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407574.**
LANE Config Server: 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575.00
note: ** is the subinterface number byte in hex
ATM Switch
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# atm lecs-address-default 47.00918100000000603E7B2001.00000C407575.00
Switch(config)# end
Router 1
router1# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router1(config)# lane database eng_dbase
router1(lane-config-database)# name eng_elan server-atm-address
router1(lane-config-database)# name eng_elan local-seg-id 2048
router1(lane-config-database)# default-name eng_elan
router1(lane-config-database)# exit
router1(config)# interface atm0
router1(config-if)# atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
router1(config-if)# atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
router1(config-if)# lane config auto-config-atm-address
router1(config-if)# lane config database eng_dbase
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM0 database example1: LE Config Server (LECS) changed state to up
router1(config-if)# interface atm3/0.1
router1(config-subif)# ip address
router1(config-subif)# lane server-bus tokenring eng_elan
router1(config-subif)# lane client tokenring eng_elan
%LANE-5-UPDOWN: ATM0.1 elan eng: LE Client changed state to up
router1(config-subif)# end