ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter16 Configuring Tag Switching and MPLS
Configuring Tag Switching
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/0/3
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Switch(config-if)# exit

Displaying the ATM Interface Configuration

To display the ATM interface configuration, use the following EXEC command:
The following example shows that tag switching is configured on ATM interfaces0/0/3 and 1/0/1:
Switch# show tag-switching interfaces
Interface IP Tunnel Operational
ATM0/0/3 Yes No Yes (ATM tagging)
ATM1/0/1 Yes No Yes (ATM tagging)
Configuring OSPF
Enable OSPF on the ATM switch router so that it can create routing tables, which identify routes through
the network. Then add the addresses and associated routing areas to the OSPF process so that it can
propagate the addresses to other ATM switch routers:
Note Since the 12.0(1a)W5(5b) release of the system software, addressing the interface on the route processor
(CPU) has changed. The ATM interface is now called atm0, and the Ethernet interface is now called
ethernet0. Old formats (atm 2/0/0 and ethernet 2/0/0) are still supported.
The following is an example of OSPF enabled and assigned process number 10000. All addresses are in
area 0:
Command Purpose
show tag-switching interfaces Displays the tag switching configuration on
the ATM interface.
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# router ospf process_number
Enables OSPF and assigns it a process number.
The process number can be any positive integer.
Step2 Switch(config-router)# network address
wildcard-mask area area-id
Defines the network prefix, a wildcard subnet
mask, and the associated area number on which to
run OSPF. An area number is an identification
number for an OSPF address range.
Repeat this command for each additional area
you want to add to the OSPF process.
Ethernet0 is used for system
management only. Do not add this interface to the
routing protocol process.