ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter18 Configuring Interfaces
Configuring 155-Mbps SM, MM, and UTP Interfaces
For the 12-port 25-Mbps port adapter, the following parameters can be configured on physical ports
0 or 6. Parameters configured on port 0 a pply to ports 0 to 5, and parameters configure d on port 6 apply
to ports 6 to 11. For the 4-port 25-Mbps port adapter, parameters configured on port 0 apply to
CAC link sharing
Note Pacing might not be configured on any physical port of the 25-Mbps port adapter.

Manual 25-Mbps Interface Configuration (Catalyst 8510 MSR and

LightStream 1010)
To manually change any of the default configuration values, perform the following steps, beginn ing in
global configuration mode:
The following example shows how to change the default ATM interface type to private, using the
atm uni type private command:
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/0/0
Switch(config-if)# atm uni type private
See Troubleshooting the Interface Configuration, page 18-17 to confirm your interface configuration.
Configuring 155-Mbps SM, MM, and UTP Interfaces
The 155-Mbps Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Synchronous Transport Signal
level3 /Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (STS3c/SDH) Synchronous Transport Module level 1 (STM1)
port adapter, used for intercampus or wide-area links, has four port s.

155-Mbps Interface Configuration

You can configure any number and type of interfaces required, up to 64 155-Mbps interface ports on the
Catalyst 8540 MSR and up to 32 155-Mbps interface ports on the Catalyst 8510 MSR and
LightStream 1010 ATM switch routers.
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# interface atm card/subcard/port
Specifies an ATM interface and enters interface
configuration mode.
Step2 Switch(config-if)# atm uni [side network] [type
private] [version {3.0 | 3.1 | 4.0}]
Modifies the ATM interface side, type, or version.
Step3 Switch(config-if)# atm maxvpi-bits max-vpi-bits Modifies the maximum VPI bits configuration.
Step4 Switch(config-if)# atm maxvci-bits max-vci-bits Modifies the maximum VCI bits configuration.