ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter21 Configuring IMA Port Adapter Interfaces
Configuring IMA Group Functions

Confirming the Interface Deletion

To confirm the interface deletion from the IMA group, use the following EXEC command:
The following example shows how to verify that the interface is deleted from the IMA group:
SwitchA# show ima interface atm 0/0/1
ATM0/0/1 is not a part of IMA group
Deleting an IMA Group
To delete an IMA group, use the following global configuration command:
Note When you delete an IMA group, the interfaces remain configured as members of the IMA gr oup. When
you recreate the IMA group, the member interfaces reinitialize automatically.
The following example shows how to delete ATM interface 0/0/ima1 and administratively shut down the
member interfaces:
Switch(config)# no interface atm 0/0/ima1

Confirming the IMA Group Deletion

To confirm the IMA group deletion, perform the following steps in user EXEC mod e:
The following example shows how to verify that the interface is deleted from the IMA group:
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/0/2
Switch(config-if)# shut
Command Purpose
show ima interface atm card/subcard/port Displays IMA group interface configuration
and status.
Command Purpose
no interface atm card/subcard/imagroup Deletes the IMA group from the T1/E1
IMA interface.
Command Purpose
show ima interface [atm card/subcard/imagroup
Displays IMA group interface configuration
and status.