Table 3: LPFC.conf Parameters (Continued)
Property Name | Scope | Default | Min | Max | Dynamic | Comments |
| ||||
Controller | Description and Values: This is the | |||||
| Specific | |||||
| This driver property is ignored when | ||||
| The format of this property is: |
| ||
| "LWWNRWWNatovamoddirtlisthlistdhgplistraintval" | ||||
| LWWN: The WWPN of the local entity, i.e. HBA port. Use the form of | ||||
| representation of the host port World Wide Port Name. Or use | ||||
| 0000000000000000 to refer to the local port WWPN. | ||||
| RWWN: The WWPN of the remote entity, i.e. fabric controller or any remote | ||||
| Nport. Use the form of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, where |
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNis a 16 digit representation of the fabric controller
or Nport FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF as generic remote fabric port WWPN.
atov: The authentication timeout value in seconds. The atov range is 20 to 999 seconds in hexidecimal. For example, enter 45 seconds as 002d.
amod: The authentication mode. The valid modes are specified as 01 (Disabled), 02 (Enabled) and 03 (Passive). For detailed description of the mode, refer to the Emulex HBAnyware (3.4) utility help page.
dir: The
tlist: The authentication type list. Currently Emulex LPFC driver only supports
hlist: The authentication hash list. Currently the Emulex LPFC driver only supports MD5 and SHA1. 01 refers to MD5, 02 refers to SHA1. For example: 01020000 means MD5, SHA1 in order of preference. 01000000 means MD5 only.
dhgplist: The
raintval: Reauthentication heart beat interval in minutes. For example, 0000012c means the host side will do the reauthentication every 300 minutes. When set to 00000000 then reauthentication heartbeat is disabled.
You can use
The HBAnyware Utility User Manual | Page 61 |