Driver for Linux Parameter Tables
The driver parameter values listed in Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8 are applicable to driver version you are using a version previous to, see the Emulex Driver for Linux User Manual for parameter information
The driver parameters listed in Table 9 and Table 10 are applicable to driver version 8.2. Driver for Linux version 8.2 supports
Version 8.0 LPFC and LPFCDFC Parameter
The parameters determine some aspects of the driver behavior. The following tables list the driver parameters. Some driver parameters can be modified and take effect only on a driver load while others can be modified dynamically and take effect immediately. The tables also list the default, minimum and maximum values for these parameters.
In Table 6, driver parameters marked with an asterisk are not supported by HBAnyware. You can change them via LPFC. See the Driver User Manual for more Information.
Table 6: Driver for Linux, LPFC Static Parameters (Requires a driver reload to change)
| Visible |
Variable | Default | Min | Max | Comments | using |
| sysfs |
lpfc_ack0 | 0 | 0=Off | 1=On | Use ACK0 for class 2. | Yes |
lpfc_cr_count | 1 | 1 | 255 | This parameter determines the | No |
| values for I/O coalescing for |
| cr_delay (msec) or cr_count |
| outstanding commands. |
lpfc_cr_delay | 0 | 0 | 63 | This parameter determines the | No |
| values for I/O coalescing for |
| cr_delay (msec) or cr_count |
| outstanding commands. |
The HBAnyware Utility User Manual | Page 85 |