
There are several circumstances in which your system may operate in an unexpected manner. The Troubleshooting section explains many of these circumstances and offers one or more workarounds for each situation.

General Situations

Table 14: General Situations







A Fibre Channel link fails to come up.

If a Fibre Channel link fails to come up, verify that an 8-Gb HBA


is not attempting to connect to a 1-Gb device. Only 2-Gb, 4-Gb


and 8-Gb devices are supported on 8-Gb HBAs.



When attempting to start HBAnyware the

The document caching mechanism sometimes behaves

Web browser displays “Emulex

erratically if more than one version of Java Runtime is installed

Corporation HBAnyware Demo of

on the browser client. There are two workarounds for this

HBAnyware WebStart web n.n.n.n...”



• Exit the browser and restart it. HBAnyware with Web launch


starts successfully.


• Uninstall all non-essential versions of the Java Runtime.


HBAnyware Web Launch services require that only a single


version of the Java Runtime be installed on the browser


client. This single version must be JRE version 1.5 or greater.



Operating Error Occurs When Attempting

Reboot the system.

to Run HBAnyware. When you attempt to


run the utility, an operating system error may


occur. The computer may freeze.




Cannot See Multiple Zones from the

Provide a physical FC connection into each of the zones. For

Management Server. Cannot see multiple

each zone you want to see, connect an HBAnyware utility

zones on the same screen of my

enabled port into that zone.

management server running HBAnyware.




Cannot See Other HBAs or Hosts.

The utility uses in-band data communication, meaning that the

Although HBAnyware is installed, only local

management server running the utility must have a physical FC

HBAs are visible. The other HBAs and hosts

connection to the SAN. All the HBAs in the SAN will be visible if:

in the SAN cannot be seen.

• The other servers have an FC connection to your zone of the


SAN. Check fabric zoning.


• For Solaris LPFC: All elxhbamgr processes are running on


the remote host. To check, enter ps -ef grep elxhbamgr).


• All other HBAs are running HBAnyware and the appropriate




• The other HBAs are Emulex HBAs.


Note: HBAnyware must be running on all remote hosts that are


to be discovered and managed. Remote capabilities of


HBAnyware are subject to fabric zoning configuration.


Remote hosts to be discovered and managed by


HBAnyware must be in the same zone.



The HBAnyware Utility User Manual

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Emulex 3.4 user manual General Situations