7.Input/Output (continued)
•NetWare*: Sets the built-in Novell NetWare support to Disabled or Enabled.
•RS-232 Baud Rate: Sets the baud rate for the RS-232 Serial interface. Default is 9600 bps. This setting should match the COM port setting on the PC.
•RS-232 Data Bits: Sets the data bits for the RS-232 Serial interface. Default is 8 bits. This setting should match the COM port setting on the PC.
•RS-232 Stop Bits: Sets the stop bits for the RS-232 Serial interface. Default is 1 bit. This setting should match the COM port setting on the PC.
•RS-232 Parity: Sets the parity for the RS-232 Serial interface. Default is None. This setting should match the COM port setting on the PC.
•RS-232 Flow Control: Sets the flow control for the RS-232 Serial interface. Default is Hardware. This setting should match the COM port setting on the PC.
Note: Changes made to items marked with an asterisk (*) will not take effect until the printer is restarted.
•Restore Defaults: Sets all menu items in all menus back to their factory defaults. This change requires an immediate restart to take effect.
•Restore Network: Sets all network items back to their factory defaults. This change will not take effect until the printer is restarted.
•Initialize Disk: Initializes the printer’s internal hard disk. This will remove any downloaded fonts and/or held jobs from the disk. This change requires an immediate restart to take effect. This menu item only appears if the printer is equipped with an internal hard drive.