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Return to Master TOC
Return to Master TOC
4.Position the new door between the panel holes and
5.Replace the two screws and tighten.
6.Swing the door into the up position. A lock may be installed through the side holes for security purposes.
For applications where an insulated lift bail is required. This kit provides an easily installed, heavy duty insulated lift eye that mounts to the wire reel stand mast. See the instructions provided with the kit for installation.
The Dual Procedure Panel provides a fixed large tog- gle switch or the use of a gun switch for the selection of either of two procedures. The upper position of the switch selects PROCEDURE A, while the lower selects PROCEDURE B. The middle position selects the GUN switch, in which case the procedure is determined by the position of the switch located at the gun.
NOTE: Due to the nature of fixed position switches, this option does not allow the indication of a remotely selected procedure. When in the gun mode there is no provision to indicate, at the Control Box, which procedure has been remotely selected (at the gun).
Installation is as follows:
1.Turn off power.
2.Remove the two screws from the front of the blank option panel at the location you choose to install your new option, (middle or top), of the Control Box cabinet. Save the screws, discard the old panel or save for future use.
3.Tilt the new option panel away from the front opening of the Control Box cabinet. Plug the electrical connector into the proper connector on the right side of the main printed circuit board (10 pin). Make sure the connector latches in place.
4.Position the new panel, taking care not to dam- age the switch connections on the back.
5.Align the screw holes, replace the two screws and tighten.
K1542-6 M PANEL
The M Panel provides a large toggle switch selection of three power source modes. The upper position selects the generic CV/MIG mode from the power source, the middle position selects the CV/FLUX CORED mode, and the lower position selects the CC/STICK/GOUGE mode. Arc control is accom- plished through the use of the ARC CONTROL potentiometer. The arc control value is actually a trim with zero being the nominal and the scale ranging from
NOTE: Due to the nature of fixed position switches, potentiometers, and default values, this option does not allow the mode, arc control, timers, or burnback values to be included in dual procedure or memory information. They are overridden by the fixed values.
Selecting the CC/STICK/GOUGE mode on this panel automatically energizes the output terminals on the power source, making the power source immediately ready to weld. In the CC modes, the output current is set by the AMPS control, and the VOLTS/TRIM adjustment has no effect in this mode. In this mode, the ARC CONTROL adjusts the arc force. Increasing the ARC CONTROL setting increases the arc force, making the arc more harsh but less likely to stick. Decreasing the ARC CONTROL setting decreases the arc force, making the arc softer and smoother.