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Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual.
FUNCTION PROBLEMS (Continued) | ||
The displays are blank (not lit). The | 1. Check for loose or faulty con- | 1. Check for 12 VDC at plug J1 pin |
wire feeds when the gun trigger is | nections at plug J1 on the dis- | 7 (lead #512+) to plug J1 pin 8 |
activated. | play board, to plug J4 on the | (lead |
| Control Box control board. | board. If the 12 VDC is present, |
| then the display board may be |
| faulty. |
| 2. If the 12 VDC is low or not pre- |
| sent, check for loose or faulty |
| connections on leads #512 and |
| #500. |
| 3. The Control Box control board |
| may be faulty. |
The dual procedure is not function- | 1. Make certain the the bat switch | 1. The remote Dual Procedure |
al when using the remote Dual | on the Dual Procedure Panel is | switch may be faulty. Check |
Prodedure switch. The STATUS | in the middle position. This | switch and associated leads. |
LEDs are steady green on the | enables the gun remote dual |
power source, Control Box and | procedure switch. | 2. The local dual procedure switch |
wire drive units. |
| may be faulty. |
| Remove power to the machine. |
| Disconnect plug J5 from the |
| Control Box control board. |
| Check for continuity (less than |
| one ohm) between pins 1 and 7 |
| when the Dual Procedure switch |
| is in position “A”. Next check for |
| continuity (less than one ohm) |
| between pins 1 and 8 when the |
| Dual Procedure switch is in the |
| “B” position. If either of these |
| continuity tests fail, replace the |
| switch. When the switch is in |
| the center postion there should |
| not be any continuity between |
| pins. |
| 3. The Control Box control board |
| may be faulty. |
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact the Lincoln Electric Service Department for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed. Call