5 – Managing Ports Displaying Port Information
Table 5-5. Port Statistics Data Window Entries (Continued)
Entry | Description |
Logout Count | Number of device logouts that have occurred on the switch. |
Al Init Count | Number of times the port entered the initialization state. |
Invalid Destination | Number of address identifier (S_ID, D_ID) errors. AL_PA |
Address | equals 0 on FL_Port or |
Total LIP Received | Number of loop initialization primitive frames received. |
LIP(f7,f7) Count | A loop initialization primitive frame used to acquire an AL_PA. |
LIP(f7,f8) Count | Currently not used. |
LIP(f7,AL_PS) Count | This LIP is used to reinitialize the loop. An L_port, identified by |
| AL_PS, may have noticed a performance degradation and is |
| trying to restore the loop. |
LIP(f8,AL_PS) Count | This LIP denotes a loop failure detected by the L_port |
| identified by AL_PS. |
LIP (AL_PD,AL_PS) | Number of F7, AL_PS LIPs, or AL_PD (vendor specific) resets, |
Count | performed. |
AL Init Errors | Number of times the port entered initialization and the |
| initialization failed. Increments count when port has a sync |
| loss. |
Class 2 In Frames | Number of class 2 frames received by this port. |
Class 2 Out Frames | Number of class 2 frames transmitted by this port. |
Class 2 Words In | Number of class 2 words received by this port. |
Class 2 Words Out | Number of class 2 words transmitted by this port. |
Class 3 In Frames | Number of class 3 frames received by this port. |
Class 3 Out Frames | Number of class 3 frames transmitted by this port. |
Class 3 Words In | Number of class 3 words received by this port. |
Class 3 Words Out | Number of class 3 words transmitted by this port. |
Decode Error Count | Number of invalid transmission words detected during |
| decoding. Decoding is from the |
| characters. |
Loss Of Sync Count | Number of synchronization losses (>100 ms) detected by this |
| port. A loss of synchronization is detected by receipt of an |
| invalid transmission word. |