CHAPTER 2. Ошибка! Стиль не определен.
| (continued) |
No | Option | Default | Description |
56 | VOIP REALRBT | OFF | When ON, the system will connect the real path of the outgo- |
| ing trunk to the incoming VoIP trunk user instead of providing |
| virtual ringback tone. |
57 |
| OFF | When ON, the system trunk call will be attached timer for |
| preven the call from locking up |
58 | SMDR LOG | OFF | In case of admin or normal station, and although cost is 0, |
| ALL |
| the smdr record can be saved when this option is set. |
59 | NO ITEM COST | OFF | When ON, during |
| have to be entered. It is possible to skip. |
60 | SMDR | OFF | When ON, the AUTHORIZATION CODE will be printed in |
| ACCOUNT field of SMDR. |
64 | IPNW REAL RB | OFF | When ON, the system will connect the real path of the outgo- |
| ing trunk to the VoIP networking trunk user instead of provid- |
| ing virtual ringback tone. |
66 | TRK AUTO | OFF | When ON, an incoming trunk call is connected to MOH |
| MOH |
| automatically after the DISA ANSWR timer(MMC 503) ex- |
| pires and the caller hears MOH. If the TRK AUTOMOH DISC |
| timer in MMC501 expires before the call is answered, it is |
| disconnected.(To use this feature, MMC 400 AUTO AN- |
| SWER option must set to ON.) |
67 | TRSF VT KEY | ON | When ON, works like the VT key when the user transfers the |
| call to Voice Mail using the TRSF key. |
68 | PAIR NO RING | OFF | When ON, if a paired phone is busy the call camps on and a |
| message waiting indication is set at the busy phone and |
| does not ring the free paired extension. |
69 | DISA NO ACT | OFF | When ON, a DISA call will go to the station assigned in MMC |
| 406 after the DISA NO ACT timer expires. |
70 | ICM AUTO- | OFF | When ON, will allow internal calls to be put on hold auto- |
| HOLD |
| matically when another call is taken. |
71 | DTMF TO S0 | OFF | When ON, DTMF can be sent to S0 station |
72 | STNHOLD | OFF | The holded call can be picked up by other station. |
| PICK |
73 | AREA DELETE | OFF | When ON, if call is created by phonebook, area code can be |
| deleted. |
74 | ELCR DIALTON | OFF | In case of second lcr, dial tone can be different. |
75 | NET DTMF | OFF | When spnet and station is seizing trk port and listening dial |
| FWD |
| tone, it can be forward to external. |
Samsung Business Communications |