2.Press CANCEL to clear the starting date field and enter the desired starting date. Prefix a
3. Press + to enter a number of days in the future, or
–for a number of days prior to today.
4.Enter the number of days to base your calculation on.
5.Press = .
The calculated date is displayed, together with the day of the week.
You can continue to calculate dates in the future or past using the calculated date as a new starting date; after a date is calculated, press + or
+If you make a mistake, press CANCEL to return to a previous step.
Using the Calculator with other applications
The Calc application can perform calculations that have been written out as text within another application.
Transferring data from an application entry into Calc
1.Open the application containing the text to be calculated.
2.Highlight the calculation text.
3. Press 2nd COPY to copy the text.
4.Press CALC to open the Calc application and press
2nd PASTE to bring in or paste the copied calculation.
The copied calculation is performed automatically, and the result is displayed.