Money & Account Management
with a sophisticated and
Money Tracking application
What it can do
Transactions are stored against accounts that you create and manage. Once the accounts are set up and the transactions recorded, you can monitor and print summaries or details of all your financial activities and balances. The Money Tracking application can help you balance your accounts at the touch of a few buttons. You can even transfer information between your money management software on your desktop computer (Quicken®,
Introducing Money Tracking concepts
The Money Tracking application utilizes two main concepts for organizing its information: Accounts and Transactions. In Money Tracking, Accounts are used like any other accounts you use: bank accounts for checking and savings, credit cards, and cash accounts for the money you carry. The Money Tracking can support up to 16 different accounts.
Whenever you use an account either to make or receive a payment, this represents a Transaction. Just like any bank account, Money Tracking records different transactions against various accounts, and allows you to see when, where, how, to whom and why various payments were