When the line of the remote party is busy, the equipment will automatically redial the remote party up to the set number of times with intervals of the set length.
yIf the line of the remote party is still busy even after the automatic redialing operation is per- formed, the communication error will occur. In this case, you can send a document using the
Recovery TX function. For details of Recovery TX, see | P.93 “Recovery transmission” and |
P.188 “Recovery transmission”. |
yDefault value for the redial intervals and the redial count is different depending on country/
region. To change the default value for the redial intervals and the redial count, see | P.181 |
“Redial mode”.
y You can use the [REDIAL/PAUSE] button to redial the remote party manually.
The manual redialing operation is effective for individual transmissions.
58 Specifying the Remote Fax