Model No. | |
Original Size | LD, LG, LT, |
Recording | 11”x17” (LD), 8.5”x14” (LG), 8.5”x11” (LT), 5.5”x8.5” (ST) |
Paper Size | 297 mm × 420 mm A3, 210 mm × 297 mm A4, 148 mm × 210 mm A5, 257 mm × 364 |
| mm B4, 182 mm × 257 mm B5 |
Compatibility | ECM, G3, Exclusive Modes: (EX) |
Communication |
Mode |
Scanning Den- | Horizontal: 8 dots/mm, 16 dots/mm |
sity | Vertical: 3.85 lines/mm, 7.7 lines/mm, 15.4 lines/mm |
Transmission | 33,600/31,200/28,800/26,400/24,000/21,600/19,200/16,800/14,400/12,000/9,600/ |
Rate | 7,200/4,800/2,400 bps |
Encoding Sys- | JBIG/MMR/MR/MH |
tem |
Recording and | Electrophotography and Laser Printing |
Printing Method |
Memory Capac- | 5.7 MB |
ity |
Machine Type | Desktop type with both transmission and reception functions |
Applicable Net- | PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) |
work |
*Outer appearance, Specifications, etc. may be changed without prior notice.
*If any trouble is encountered, contact your authorized TOSHIBA dealer
*The clock function and programming data of this device are preserved with a
*Document image data received by this device is preserved with a
yExternal keyboard
Specifications 251