yBatch Transmission
The system will automatically send 2 or more reserved jobs to one remote Fax at a time. This function can reduce the communication cost by sending multiple originals to the same destination at one time.
This operation is automatically applied when more than one original is sent to one remote Fax with the same transmission functions specified for each reserved TX job.
*When the use of the equipment is managed under the department management, the batch transmission can be performed only in the same department.
yDelayed Communications
You can send the original to a specified remote Fax at a specified time. This mode is useful when you are making use of
yPriority Transmission
You can send a priority transmission and interrupt the current communication. This function allows you to interrupt the current communication and send the Priority Transmission. Trans- mission is resumed after completing the current communication.
yQuality Transmission
This function makes the communication less affected by line condition when transmitting document to overseas. When this function is designated, originals are sent at a slower speed than normal.
yCover Sheet
You can attach a cover sheet to a document to be transmitted, which is saved in memory.
ySub-address Communications
This function attaches a
yRecovery Transmission
A document is held in the memory after the initially specified number of redial attempts have failed. You can retransmit the documents held in memory by pressing the [RECOVERY TX] key.
ySecurity Transmission
You can prevent your FAX from sending to an incorrect remote FAX by using this mode. There are two types of security transmissions; Security transmission applied to only one
transmission ( P.77 “How to set the communication options”) and Security transmission applied to all transmissions ( P.185 “Security TX”).
yMulti-address Transmission
You can designate two or more FAXes by using this mode. There are two types of multi- address transmissions; Individual
yMailbox Transmission
You can have confidential, bulletin board and