Chapter 6 Tutorials
Figure 125 Creating the Address Object for the wan2 Public IP Address
6.10.2 How to Configure a Virtual ServerYou need a virtual server to send HTTP traffic coming to IP address on wan2 to the HTTP server’s private IP address of In the Network > Virtual Server screen, click the + symbol and create a new virtual server entry as shown next.
•This virtual server is for traffic coming in on wan2 to IP address (defined in the WAN2_HTTP object).
•The virtual server sends this traffic to the HTTP server’s private IP address of (defined in the DMZ_HTTP object).
•HTTP traffic and the HTTP server in this example both use TCP port 80. So you set the Port Mapping Type to Port, the Protocol Type to TCP, and the original and mapped ports to 80.
•In this example is not the default IP address for sessions going out through wan2. Select Add corresponding Policy Route rule for NAT 1:1 mapping to send the HTTP server’s outgoing sessions through wan2 and use as the source IP address (to match the IP address for accessing it). See NAT 1:1 Example on page 313 for details.
•Select Add corresponding Policy Route rule for NAT Loopback to allow local users to use a domain name to access the HTTP server. See NAT Loopback Example on page 317 for details.
Figure 126 Creating the Virtual Server
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