Chapter 38 Schedules

38.2.2 The Recurring Schedule Add/Edit Screen

The Recurring Schedule Add/Edit screen allows you to define a recurring schedule or edit an existing one. To access this screen, go to the Schedule screen (see Section 38.2 on page 620), and click either the Add icon or an Edit icon in the Recurring section.

Figure 460 Object > Schedule > Edit (Recurring)

The Year, Month, and Day columns are not used in recurring schedules and are disabled in this screen. The following table describes the remaining labels in this screen.

Table 210 Object > Schedule > Edit (Recurring)








Type the name used to refer to the recurring schedule. You may use 1-31


alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character


cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.

Date Time





Type the hour and minute when the schedule begins each day.


Year - disabled


Month - disabled


Day - disabled


Hour - 0 - 23


Minute - 0 - 59


The Hour and Minute fields are both required.


To set all day (24 hours), configure the start hour and minute both to 0.




Type the hour and minute when the schedule ends each day.


Year - disabled


Month - disabled


Day - disabled


Hour - 0 - 23


Minute - 0 - 59


The Hour and Minute fields are both required.


To set all day (24 hours), configure the stop hour to 23 and minute to 59.









ZyWALL USG 100/200 Series User’s Guide