Chapter 2 Features and Applications

Figure 4 Applications: VPN Connectivity

2.3.2 SSL VPN Network Access

You can configure the ZyWALL to provide SSL VPN network access to remote users. There are two SSL VPN network access modes: reverse proxy and full tunnel. Reverse Proxy Mode

In reverse proxy mode, the ZyWALL is a proxy that acts on behalf of the local network servers (such as your web and mail servers). As the final destination, the ZyWALL appears to be the server to remote users. This provides an added layer of protection for your internal servers.

With reverse proxy mode, remote users can easily access any web-based applications on the local network by clicking on links or entering the provided URL. You do not have to install additional client software on the remote user computers for access.

Figure 5 Network Access Mode: Reverse Proxy Full Tunnel Mode

In full tunnel mode, a virtual connection is created for remote users with private IP addresses in the same subnet as the local network. This allows them to access network resources in the same way as if they were part of the internal network.



ZyWALL USG 100/200 Series User’s Guide