Chapter 10 Interface

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 56 Interface Wizard: WAN ISP Connection Settings



ISP Parameter

This section appears if the interface uses a PPPoE or PPTP Internet connection.



User Name

Type the user name given to you by your ISP. You can use alphanumeric and -


_@$./ characters, and it can be up to 31 characters long.


Type the password associated with the user name above. Use up to 64 ASCII


characters except the [] and ?. This field can be blank.



Retype to

Type your password again for confirmation.






Select Nailed-Upif you do not want the connection to time out.



Idle Timeout

Type the time in seconds that elapses before the router automatically disconnects


from the PPPoE server. 0 means no timeout.




This section only appears if the interface uses a PPPoE or PPTP Internet






This displays the identity of the Ethernet interface you configure to connect with a


modem or router.



Base IP

Type the (static) IP address assigned to you by your ISP.





IP Subnet

Type the subnet mask assigned to you by your ISP (if given).





Server IP

Type the IP address of the PPTP server.



WAN Interface







This displays the identity of the interface you configure to connect with your ISP.






This field displays to which security zone this interface and Internet connection will





IP Address

This field is read-only when the WAN interface uses a dynamic IP address. If your


WAN interface uses a dynamic IP address, enter it in this field.



First DNS

These fields only display for an interface with a static IP address. Enter the DNS


server IP address(es) in the field(s) to the right.

Second DNS

Leave the field as if you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not


configure a DNS server, you must know the IP address of a machine in order to



access it.


DNS (Domain Name System) is for mapping a domain name to its corresponding


IP address and vice versa. The DNS server is extremely important because without


it, you must know the IP address of a computer before you can access it. The


ZyWALL uses a system DNS server (in the order you specify here) to resolve


domain names for VPN, DDNS and the time server.



Related Setting




Add this

Select this option to use the interface as part of the default WAN trunk (named

interface to

“WAN_TRUNK”) for load balancing. This has the ZyWALL send traffic destined for


the Internet out through this interface. If you want to only allow certain traffic

K for WAN

through this interface, clear this check box and configure policy routes to send

load balance.

traffic through the interface.





Click Back to return to the previous screen.




Click Next to continue to Section 10.5.7 on page 219.





ZyWALL USG 100/200 Series User’s Guide