Chapter 29 IDP

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 162 Anti-X > IDP > Custom Signatures > Add/Edit




Type the name of your custom signature. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric


characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a


number. This value is case-sensitive.


Duplicate names can exist but it is advisable to use unique signature names that


give some hint as to intent of the signature and the type of attack it is supposed to


prevent. Refer to (but do not copy) the packet inspection signature names for


hints on creating a naming convention.



Signature ID

A signature ID is automatically created when you click the Add icon to create a


new signature. You can edit the ID to create a new one (in the 9000000 to


9999999 range), but you cannot use one that already exists. You may want to do


that if you want to order custom signatures by SID.




Use the following fields to set general information about the signature as denoted






The severity level denotes how serious the intrusion is. Categorize the


seriousness of the intrusion here. See Table 156 on page 492 as a reference.




Some intrusions target specific operating systems only. Select the operating


systems that the intrusion targets, that is, the operating systems you want to


protect from this intrusion. SGI refers to Silicon Graphics Incorporated, who


manufactures multi-user Unix workstations that run the IRIX operating system


(SGI's version of UNIX). A router is an example of a network device.




Select the IDP service group that the intrusion exploits or targets. See Table 158


on page 494 for a list of IDP service groups. The custom signature then appears


in that group in the IDP > Profile > Group View screen.



Policy Type

Categorize the type of intrusion here. See Table 157 on page 493 as a reference.




Recurring packets of the same type may indicate an attack. Use the following field


to indicate how many packets per how many seconds constitute an intrusion




Select Threshold and then type how many packets (that meet the criteria in this


signature) per how many seconds constitute an intrusion.



Header Options




Network Protocol

Configure signatures for IP version 4.



Type Of

Type of service in an IP header is used to specify levels of speed and/or reliability.


Some intrusions use an invalid Type Of Service number. Select the check box,


then select Equal or Not-Equaland then type in a number.




The identification field in a datagram uniquely identifies the datagram. If a


datagram is fragmented, it contains a value that identifies the datagram to which


the fragment belongs. Some intrusions use an invalid Identification number.


Select the check box and then type in the invalid number that the intrusion uses.




A fragmentation flag identifies whether the IP datagram should be fragmented,


not fragmented or is a reserved bit. Some intrusions can be identified by this flag.


Select the check box and then select the flag that the intrusion uses.




When an IP datagram is fragmented, it is reassembled at the final destination.


The fragmentation offset identifies where the fragment belongs in a set of


fragments. Some intrusions use an invalid Fragmentation Offset number. Select


the check box, select Equal, Smaller or Greater and then type in a number



Time to Live

Time to Live is a counter that decrements every time it passes through a router.


When it reaches zero, the datagram is discarded. Usually it’s used to set an upper


limit on the number of routers a datagram can pass through. Some intrusions can


be identified by the number in this field. Select the check box, select Equal,


Smaller or Greater and then type in a number.



ZyWALL USG 100/200 Series User’s Guide