Appendix A Log Descriptions
Table 288 Application Patrol (continued)
System fatal error: | The device failed to get the application patrol protocol list. |
60011002. |
System fatal error: | The device failed to initiate XML. |
60011003. |
System fatal error: | The device failed to turn application patrol off while the system was |
60011004. | initiating. |
Table 289 IKE Logs
Peer has not announced | The remote IPSec router has not announced its dead peer detection |
DPD capability | (DPD) capability to this device. |
[COOKIE] Invalid | Cannot find SA according to the cookie. |
cookie, no sa found |
[DPD] No response from | The device’s DPD feature has not detected a response from the |
peer. Using existing | remote IPSec router. %u is the retry time. |
| |
seconds. Trying with |
| |
[HASH] : Tunnel [%s] | %s is the tunnel name. When negotiating |
Phase 1 hash mismatch | did not match. |
[HASH] : Tunnel [%s] | %s is the tunnel name. When negotiating |
Phase 2 hash mismatch" | mode authentication hash did not match. |
[ID] : Invalid ID | ID payload is not valid (in |
information | remote policy). |
[ID] : Tunnel [%s] | %s is the tunnel name. When negotiating |
Local IP mismatch | did not match the My IP in VPN gateway. |
[ID] : Tunnel [%s] My | %s is the tunnel name. When negotiating |
IP mismatch | matched proposal, My IP Address could not be resolved. |
[ID] : Tunnel [%s] | %s is the tunnel name. When negotiating |
Phase 1 ID mismatch | match. |
[ID] : Tunnel [%s] | %s is the tunnel name. When negotiating |
Phase 2 Local ID | SAs or the ID is IPv6 ID. |
mismatch |
[ID] : Tunnel [%s] | %s is the tunnel name. When negotiating |
Phase 2 Remote ID | SAs or the ID is IPv6 ID. |
mismatch |
[ID] : Tunnel [%s] | %s is the tunnel name. When negotiating |
Remote IP mismatch | did not match the secure gateway address in VPN gateway. |
[SA] : Malformed IPSec | When selecting a matched proposal, some protocol was given more |
SA proposal | than once. |
[SA] : No proposal | When selecting a matched proposal in |
chosen | proposal was selected. |
[SA] : Tunnel [%s] | %s is the tunnel name. When negotiating |
Phase 1 authentication | algorithm did not match. |
algorithm mismatch |
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ZyWALL USG 100/200 Series User’s Guide |
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