

3DES 374

3G 129

3G see also cellular 226


AAAserver 625 AD 626

and users 594 directory service 625 LDAP 625, 626 LDAP Default 628 LDAP Group 629

LDAP group members 630 local user database 626 object, where used 121 RADIUS 625, 626 RADIUS default 631 RADIUS group 632 RADIUS group members 633 RADIUS. See also RADIUS.

access control web category 494 Access Point Name see APN. 229 access point, See AP 233

access users 593, 595 forcing login 595

forcing login. See also force user authentication policies.

idle timeout 601 logging in 595 multiple logins 601 see also users 593 web configurator 603

account 187 user 593

active protocol 379 AH 379

and encapsulation 380 ESP 379

active sessions 173, 177, 730 ActiveX 544

AD 625

AD (Active Directory) 626


address groups 607

and content filtering 531, 532, 535 and firewall 347

and force user authentication policies 603 and FTP 695

and SNMP 698

and SSH 692

and Telnet 694

and WWW 682 where used 121

address objects 607

and content filtering 531, 532, 535 and firewall 347

and force user authentication policies 603 and FTP 695

and NAT 282

and policy routes 281, 282, 603 and SNMP 698

and SSH 692

and Telnet 694

and virtual servers 312 and VPN connections 353 and WWW 682

HOST 607


SUBNET 607 types of 607 where used 121

admin users 593 multiple logins 600 see also users 593

ADP 513

base profiles 516 configuration overview 119 false negatives 517 false positives 517

inline profile 517 monitor profile 517 port scanning 523 prerequisites 119 profiles 516 protocol anomaly 514 signatures 194

traffic anomaly 514, 518 updating signatures 194

Advanced Encryption Standard See AES.

Advanced Encryption Standard. See AES.

AES 374, 840

AH 379

and transport mode 380



ZyWALL USG 100/200 Series User’s Guide