
vs application patrol 335, 337


and restart 710

boot module. See boot module. current version 172, 711 getting updated 710 uploading 710, 711 uploading with FTP 694

flags 499

flash usage 173 flood detection 525 force log out 390

force user authentication policies 601 and address groups 603

and address objects 603 and schedules 603 prerequisites 121

fragmentation flag 503 fragmentation offset 503 fragmentation threshold 834

FTP 694

additional signaling port 330 ALG 325

and address groups 695 and address objects 695 and certificates 695 and zones 695 signaling port 330

with Transport Layer Security (TLS) 695 full tunnel mode 61, 386, 389 Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) 673


gateway policy. See VPN gateways. Generic Routing Encapsulation. See GRE.

global SSL setting 390 user portal logo 391

GRE 268

GSM 230


H.323 159, 331

additional signaling port 329 ALG 325, 331

and firewall 326 and RTP 331 signaling port 329

HA status see device HA 577

header checksum 499 hidden node 833 host-based intrusions 509 HSDPA 230

HTTP inspection 520

redirect to HTTPS 680 vs HTTPS 678


HTTP redirect 321

and application patrol 322 and firewall 322

and interfaces 324 and policy routes 322 configuration overview 120 packet flow 322 prerequisites 120

HTTPS 156, 678 and certificates 678 authenticating clients 678 avoiding warning messages 683 example 682

vs HTTP 678

with Internet Explorer 682 with Netscape Navigator 683

hub-and-spoke VPN. See VPN concentrator.

HyperText Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer. See HTTPS.


IBSS 831

ICMP 613 ICMP code 504 ICMP decoder 520 ICMP echo 525 ICMP flood attack 525 ICMP portsweep 524

ICMP sequence number 504 ICMP type 504

ICMP unreachable 524 identification (IP) 503

identifying legitimate e-mail 559 spam 559

IDP 483 action 493 alerts 492

and services 614

applying custom signatures 508 base profiles 484, 487, 514 configuration overview 118



ZyWALL USG 100/200 Series User’s Guide