Chapter 35 User/Group

Table 192 Reserved User Names (continued)






• shutdown

• sshd






To access this screen, go to the User screen (see Section 35.2 on page 595), and click either the Add icon or an Edit icon.

Figure 442 User/Group > User > Edit

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 193 User/Group > User > Edit



User Name

Type the user name for this user account. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric


characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a


number. This value is case-sensitive. User names have to be different than user


group names, and some words are reserved. See Section on page 596.



User Type

Select what type of user this is. Choices are:


Admin - this user can look at and change the configuration of the ZyWALL


Limited-Admin- this user can look at the configuration of the ZyWALL but not


to change it


User - this user has access to the ZyWALL’s services but cannot look at the




Guest - this user has access to the ZyWALL’s services but cannot look at the




Ext-User- this user account is maintained in a remote server, such as RADIUS


or LDAP. See Ext-User Accounts on page 594 for more information about this






This field is not available if you select the Ext-Useruser type.


Enter the password of this user account. It can consist of 4 - 30 alphanumeric






This field is not available if you select the Ext-Useruser type. Enter the password






Enter the description of each user, if any. You can use up to 60 printable ASCII


characters. Default descriptions are provided.



Lease Time

Enter the number of minutes this user has to renew the current session before the


user is logged out. You can specify 1 to 1440 minutes. You can enter 0 to make the


number of minutes unlimited. Admin users renew the session every time the main


screen refreshes in the web configurator. Access users can renew the session by


clicking the Renew button on their screen. If you allow access users to renew time


automatically (see Section 35.4 on page 599), the users can select this check box


on their screen as well. In this case, the session is automatically renewed before


the lease time expires.





ZyWALL USG 100/200 Series User’s Guide