102 Chapter 2
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel Power—ACP)
One-Button Measurement Functions
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:ACPower:CARRier:CPSD <dBm>
Remote Command Notes: This function is only available when measurement type is set to
PSD Ref, use the command [:SENSe]:ACPower:TYPE PSDRef to select the
measurement type.
Example: ACP:CARR:CPSD 5
2.3.10 Limit Test Pressing Limit Test turns the testing of the limit line on or off. When Limit Test is set to On,
each offset is compared to its upper and lower offset limit. In those cases where the power
exceeds the limit, a red “F” is placed next to the dBc result to indicate a failure. If there are
any failures, the pass/fail indicator area show “FAIL” in red; if there are none, it shows
“PASS” in green. Any offsets that are in the off state (see “Offset Freq or Edge Freq” on
page 91) are not measured and their results will not be displayed on screen.
Key Path: Meas Setup
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Off
History: Updated with PSA firmware revision A.03.00.
Added with PSA firmware revision A.02.00.
Updated with ESA firmware revision A.07.01.
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:ACPower:LIMit[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Example: ACP:LIM 1
2.3.11 RRC Filter Pressing RRC Filter turns the Root Raised Cosine filter on or off. This filter is the type
specified in the NADC and 3GPP W-CDMA standards and is only available when 3GPP
W-CDMA, NADC, or Tetra is selected as the Radio Std from the Mode Setup menu. If 3GPP
W-CDMA is selected, the rolloff value (alpha) for the filter will be initially set to 0.22. T is
set to 1/RefBW (default 260 ns). If NADC is selected, the rolloff will be initially set to 0.35. T
is set to 1/RefBW (default 42 µs). If TETRA has been selected, the rolloff will be initially set
to 0.35. T is set to 1/RefBW (default 55.6 µs). The rolloff value can be changed using Filter