Chapter 2 79
One-Button Measurement Functions
MEASURE (Spectrum Analysis Mode)
One-Button Measurement Functions
2.2.11 Intermod (TOI)

The third order intermodulation (TOI) measurement computes and displays the output

intercept point (IP3), and places markers upon the trace to indicate the measured signals

and third-order products. For more information see “Meas Setup (Intermod (TOI))” on

page 153.


Remote Command:

Example: FETC:TOI2? or MEAS:TOI2? or READ:TOI2?


Measurement Results Available
Command n Results Returned
n/a Not Applicable
n=1 or
Returns 6 scalar results, in the following order.
1. The worst case Output Intercept Power value in dBm.
2. The worst case Output Intermod Point in Hz
3. The lower Output Intercept Power value in dBm
4. The lower Output Intermod Point in Hz
5. The upper Output Intercept Power value in dBm
6. The upper Output Intermod Point in Hz
n=2 Returns 12 scalar results, in the following order.
1. The worst case Output Intermod Point value in Hz.
2. The worst case Output Intermod Power value in dBm.
3. The worst case Output Intercept Power value in dBm
4. The lower base frequency value in Hz
5. The lower base power value in dBm
6. The upper base frequency value in Hz
7. The upper base power value in dBm
8. The lower Output Intermod Point in Hz
9. The lower Output Intermod Power value in dBm
10. The lower Output Intercept Power value in dBm
11. The upper Output Intermod Point in Hz
12. The upper Output Intermod Power value in dBm
13. The upper Output Intercept Power value in dBm
n=1 or
Returns the worst case Output Intercept Power value in