Chapter 2 237
One-Button Measurement Functions
Marker (Spurious Emissions) for PSA Only
One-Button Measurement Functions
selected marker.
Key Path: Marker
Factory Preset: Off
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.06.00
Remote Command:
See “Select Marker” on page 235 for the command to select the control mode.
Example: CALC:SPUR:MARK3:STAT OFF selects marker 3 and sets it to Off.
2.26.5 Markers All Off
Turns off all markers.
NOTE Selecting any measurement (including Meas Off) under Measure, turns off the
marker table.
Key Path: Marker (after MEASURE, Power Stat CCDF is selected.)
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.06.00
Remote Command:
Example: CALC:SPUR:MARK:AOFF turns off all markers.
2.26.6 Marker Mode
Sets the mode for the specified marker. When a marker is set to Delta, the next marker is
used as the Reference Marker and its mode is set to Normal. The value of the delta marker
is the relative value from the reference marker. When Marker4 is set to Delta, Marker1 is
used as the Reference Marker.
NOTE Selecting any measurement (including Meas Off) under Measure, turns off the
marker table.
Key Path: Marker (after MEASURE, Power Stat CCDF is selected.)
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.06.00
Remote Command: