Chapter 2 187
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Spectrum Emissions Mask—SEM)
One-Button Measurement Functions Total Pwr Ref or PSD Ref
Displays the type of power measurement reference selected using the Meas Type key (see
“Meas Type” on page 184).
Total Pwr Ref is the power in the carrier that is used as the reference in computing the
relative power values for the offsets. When Man is selected, this can be set by the user.
When Auto is selected, this is the measured power in the reference carrier.
PSD Ref is the mean power spectral density in the carrier that is used as the reference in
computing the relative power spectral density values for the offsets. When Man is selected,
this can be set by the user, when Auto is selected, this is the measured mean power
spectral density in the reference carrier.
Key Path: Meas Setup, Ref Channel
Factory Preset: 0.00 dBm/Off
Range: –200.0 dBm to 200.0 dBm.
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:SEMask:CARRier[:POWer] <ampl>
Example: SEM:CARR 0 dBm
2.19.4 Offset/Limits
Displays the menus where you can change the parameters for offset frequency settings and
pass/fail tests. Refer to the tables below for default settings of particular radio standards of