Chapter 2 109
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Burst Power)
One-Button Measurement Functions
2.5 Meas Setup (Burst Power)When Burst Power has been selected in the Measure menu of the Spectrum Analysis Mode,
this key displays the appropriate measurement setup menu.
The burst power measurement is an accurate method of determining the average power for
the specified burst.
NOTE ESA Only: When selecting radio standards: NADC or PDC, the burst power
measurement configures RF burst setup (Trig , More, RF Bur st Setup) mode and
level to accurately measure a signal with any combination of timeslots active.
However, for signals with all timeslots active, set the parameters for RF burst
setup as follows:
1. Select RF Burst Setup. (Trig, RF Burst Setup)
2. Set the trigger level mode to relative. (Trig ger Le vel (Rel)
3. Set the narrow pulse discriminator to off. (Narrow Pulse Discriminator (Off)
4. Set the threshold level to −30 dB. (Meas Setup, Threshold Lvl, − 3, 0, dB)
Key Path: Front-panel key
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.02.00
Added with ESA firmware revision A.07.00
Remote Command:
There is no equivalent remote command.
2.5.1 Avg Number
Press Avg Number (On) to specify the number of measurement averages used when
calculating the measurement result. The average is displayed at the end of each sweep.
Key Path: Meas Setup
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: 10 averages / Off
Range: 1 to 1000
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.02.00
Added with ESA firmware revision A.07.00
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:BPOWer:AVERage:COUNt <integer>