94 Chapter 2
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel Power—ACP)
One-Button Measurement Functions
Default Terminator: Hz
Range: PSA Only: 300 Hz to 500 MHz
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.02.00.
Added with ESA firmware revision A.07.00.
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: If a radio standard is selected, the default value is defined by
the selected standard. This command, along with commands
[:SENSe]:ACPower:OFFSet:LIST[:FREQuency] and
[:SENSe]:ACPower:OFFSet:LIST:STATe are used to set an entire array of
values. The following table shows the default array if no radio standard
(None) is selected.
Example: ACP:OFFS:LIST:BAND 50,50,50,50,50,50
ACP:OFFS:LIST:BAND? Pos Offset Limit
Enables you to set the upper limit for the upper segment of the specified offset pair.
C OFF 0 Hz 2 MHz
D OFF 0 Hz 2 MHz
E OFF 0 Hz 2 MHz
F OFF 0 Hz 2 MHz
Offset State Frequency Integ. BW
A ON 3 MHz 2 MHz
B OFF 0 Hz 2 MHz
C OFF 0 Hz 2 MHz
D OFF 0 Hz 2 MHz
E OFF 0 Hz 2 MHz
F OFF 0 Hz 2 MHz
Offset State Frequency Integ. BW