172 Chapter 2
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Multi-Carrier Power—MCP)
One-Button Measurement Functions
Added with ESA firmware revision A.09.00.
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:MCPower:FILTer[:RRC]:ALPHA <number>
Example: MCP:FILT:ALPHA .33
2.16.12 Noise Correction
Pressing Noise Correction turns noise correction on or off. When you set Noise Correction to
On, a calibration of the noise floor is performed and used to correct for analyzer noise floor
contribution to measurement levels, increasing dynamic range.
Key Path: Meas Setup, More
Key Notes: This key is not available when Meas Setup, Method (RBW) is selected or
when signal tracking is on.
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Off
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.02.00.
Added with ESA firmware revision A.09.00.
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:MCPower:CORRection:NOISe[:AUTO] OFF|ON|0|1
Remote Command Notes: The noise correction feature is not available when the
measurement method is RBW (Meas Setup, Method (RBW) or when signal
tracking is on.
Example: MCP:CORR:NOIS 1