44 Chapter 2
One-Button Measurement Functions
Mode Setup (Spectrum Analysis Mode)
One-Button Measurement Functions G/PAL/NICAM
Pressing G/PAL/NICAM selects the filtering masks for the G/PAL/NICAM analog television
system. This standard is only available for the channel power and CCDF measurements.
NOTE The ESA series analyzers require Fast ADC (Option AYX or B7D) to be
installed for CCDF operation.
Key Path: Mode Setup, DVB-T
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.04.00
Added with ESA firmware revision A.10.00
Remote Command:
Use[:SENSe]:RADio:STANdard[:SELect] See “Radio Std” on page33.
Pressing I/PAL/NICAM selects the filtering masks for the I/PAL/NICAM analog television
system. This standard is only available for the channel power and CCDF measurements.
NOTE The ESA series analyzers require Fast ADC (Option AYX or B7D) to be
installed for CCDF operation.
Key Path: Mode Setup, DVB-T
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.04.00
Added with ESA firmware revision A.10.00
Remote Command:
Use[:SENSe]:RADio:STANdard[:SELect] See “Radio Std” on page33.
Accesses the S-DMB radio standards key menu to enable you to select a S-DMB standard.
Selecting a radio standard modifies spectrum analyzer settings for the Spurious Emissions
measurement activated under the MEASURE menu. This standard is only available for the
Channel Power, Occupied BW, and ACP measurements
Key Type: 1 of N menu
Key Path: Mode Setup, Radio Std
History: Added with PSA firmware revision A.06.00