Chapter 6: VoIP Engine Configuration
This chapter provides information and instructions for viewing and configuring the VoIP Engine features. It includes the following sections:
●VoIP Overview - An overview of VoIP Engine functionality within the Media Gateway.
●VoIP Resources - Instructions for viewing and configuring VoIP Engine Parameters.
●VoIP Status - Instructions for determining operational status of the VoIP Engine.
VoIP Overview
The VoIP Engine translates information between different VoIP and data protocols. The Media Gateway comes with an internal VoIP engine that supports up to 32 simultaneous sessions. Each media gateway supports different numbers of channels.
You can view information and configure parameters for the VoIP Engine using the VoIP Engine dialog box.
To view the VoIP Engine dialog box:
Select View > Configure. The Device Manager dialog box opens.
In the Device Manager dialog box, there are two tabs for managing the VoIP engine:
●VoIP Resources - Administrative parameters common to all VoIP engines.
●VoIP Status - Operating Status for a selected VoIP engine.
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