Configuring the Converged Network Analyzer Application
The following table provides a list of the fields in the TFTP Server Configuration dialog box and their descriptions:
Table 59: TFTP Server Configuration Fields
Field | Description |
Mode | Administrative status of the TFTP service. Possible values are: |
| ● Enable |
| ● Disable |
NVRAM Total Bytes | Total bytes used for scripts in NVRAM. |
Used |
NVRAM Total Bytes | Total byte capacity for scripts in NVRAM. |
Capacity |
RAM Total Bytes | Total bytes used for scripts and images in RAM. |
Used |
RAM Total Bytes | Total byte capacity for scrips and images in RAM. |
Capacity |
For more information on the user interface, refer to “Using Dialog Boxes and Tables” on page 32.
Configuring the Converged Network Analyzer Application
Converged Network Analyzer (CNA) is a distributed system for
The following options are available for configuring Converged Network Analyzer on the Avaya G250/G350/G450 Device:
●Configuring an External Test Plug - Configuration information for an external test plug.
●Configuring Schedulers - Scheduling information for the test plugs.
To access and configure the Converged Network Analyzer application:
Select Configure > CNA. The CNA Configuration dialog box opens.
Issue 5 October 2007 161