Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter2 Software Installation
Connecting PCs to the ONS 15454
b. Enter the Cisco ONS 15454 IP address in the web address (URL) field. If the connection is
established, a Java Console window, CTC caching messages, and the Cisco Transport Cont ro ller
Login dialog box display. If this occurs, go to Step 2 of the Log into the ONS 15454 procedure on
page 2-9 to complete the login. If the Login dialog box does not appear, complete Steps c and d.
c. From the Windows Start menu, choose the MS-DOS or command prompt.
d. At the prompt, type:
ping [ONS 15454 IP address]
For example, you would type ping to connect to an ONS 15454 with default IP addre ss If your computer is connected to the ONS 15 454 , a reply from [IP address] message
If your PC is not connected, a Request timed out message displays. If this occurs, check that the
cables connecting the PC to the ONS 15454 are securely attached. Check the Link Status LED on
the PC NIC card. Repeat the procedures provided in Table 2-3 while verifying IP and submask
2.4.2 Network Connections
When connecting the PC to the ONS 15454 through a LAN, the PCs IP address must be configured to
be on the same subnet as the ONS 15454s LAN interface. The ONS 15454 IP addr ess and netmask are
visible on the LCD panel. If needed, change the IP address configurat ion on the PC or use the LCD panel
on the ONS 15454.

Procedure: Access the ONS 15454 from a LAN

Step 1 Change the ONS 15454 IP address to an IP address that exists on the LAN. (See the Change IP Address,
Default Router, and Network Mask Using the LCD procedure on page 3-4 for instructions.)
Step 2 Ensure that the ONS 15454 is physically connected to the LAN (typically using a c ross-ov er ca ble to a
hub or switch).
Step 3 If you changed the PC network settings for direct access to the ONS 15454, change the settings back to
the LAN access settings. Usually this means setting the IP Address on the TCP/IP dialog box back to
Obtain an IP address automatically (Windows 95/98) or Obtain an IP address from a DHCP server
(Windows NT/2000). If your LAN requires that DNS or WINS be en ab led, ch ang e the se tting o n t h e
DNS Configuration or WINS Configuration tab of the TCP/IP di alog bo x.
Step 4 If your computer is connected to a proxy server, disable proxy se rv ice or a dd the ON S 1 545 4 node s as
Step 5 Start your web browser and type the ONS 15454 IP address i n th e URL fie ld.

Procedure: Disable Proxy Service Using Internet Explorer (Windows)

Complete these steps if your computer is connected to a proxy se rver a nd your br owser i s Intern et
Step 1 From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel.
Step 2 In the Control Panel window, choose Internet Options.