Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter4 IP Networking
Viewing the ONS 15454 Routing Table
Mask ( is a 24-bit mask, meaning all addresse s wi thi n th e 172 .20.2 14. 0 subnet ca n
be a destination.
Gateway ( is the gateway address. All outbound traffic b elonging to this network is
sent to this gateway.
Interface (cpm0) indicates that the ONS 15454 Ethern et int erfa c e i s u sed t o re ac h the gat ewa y.
Entry #3 shows the following:
Destination ( is the destination host IP address.
Mask ( is a 32 bit mask, meaning only the a ddr ess is a de stin ation .
Gateway ( is a loopback address. The host directs network traffic to itself using this
Interface (lo0) indicates that the local loopback interface is used to reach the gateway.
Entry #4 shows the following:
Destination ( is the destination host IP address.
Mask ( is a 32 bit mask, meaning only the a ddr ess is a de stin ation .
Gateway ( means the destination host is directly attached to the node.
Interface (pdcc0) indicates that a SONET SDCC interface is used to reach the destination host.
Entry #5 shows a DCC-connected node that is accessible through a node that is not directly connected:
Destination ( is the destination host IP address.
Mask ( is a 32-bit mask, meaning only the address is a destination.
Gateway ( indicates that the destination host is accesse d t hro ugh a no de wit h I P
Interface (pdcc0) indicates that a SONET SDCC interface is used to reach the gateway.